Thursday, August 28, 2008

We have returned from our week away filled with some much needed relaxation. We jumped right into the preparations for our journey and continue to stay busy. The nights are late and the mornings seem to come all together to quickly but we are pressing on in His strength and with a little bit of extra caffeine. We thank the Lord that the repairs to the house are coming along and the Lord has provided a few helping hands to occupy the kids. It can be a bit overwhelming at times seeing the house in utter chaos but we hold fast to the peace that He has promised us. Everything WILL be accomplished in HIS time.

One of the reasons I am taking the time to update is because I would like to share a couple of prayer requests with you all, the first one needing immediate attention. Josiah has been suffering from a skin infection called Impetigo. This has been ongoing and had seemed to have cleared but has resurfaced in a worse state. The area around it now looks infected despite the antibiotics he just started. Please pray for the Lord's touch as this strain of the virus seems to be hanging tough, we may see the doctor tomorrow as our insurance runs out this weekend. In addition we just ask you to continue to pray for us that His peace would be upon us during this time and that we would make ample time to spend apart with our Lord.
The second reason I wanted to post tonight is to try to figure out how to post photos on this here Blogger thing, so bear with me.. OK, so I am too tired to keep playing around, maybe another day!!

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