"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
Last night Eddy taught from John chapter 3 and he focused on the response of Jesus to Nicodemus's question... how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born?
Eddy had been inviting people for two weeks for this particular bible study and we were very excited to see all of the people who came to hear this message. Many people here have not even heard the term born-again and are curious to know more. Just before the bible study Eddy went to the local internet place to print his notes. The lady working there saw them and questioned him as to what this term meant, he of course invited her to come and find out. Not an hour later she arrived! She is pictured below in the purple shirt, her name is Blanca.
Eddy, Jesusa (she is hidden behind Eddy), Victor, Charrito, Lucho & Blanca.
Lucho and his father, who is visiting from Iquitos, also joined us. Lucho's father just received the Lord a week or so ago. Eddy asked Lucho to share a bit of his testimony with the group and how his life has changed since becoming born-again. Lucho has a very powerful testimony of how he was won for the Lord through the witness of love displayed through his wife.
Another lady who came for the first time is named Peluza, she is pictured below to the left hand side. One of Eddy's daughter's suggested that he invite her and so he did. He, along with Pepe and Lucho knew her from their childhood days.
Hadassah, Charrito, Eddy & Jesusa enjoying some pastries and tea after the study.
I was especially blessed by our time of fellowship afterward. We were so many people this week that we could not all sit at the table together. I was touched as I looked around the room and saw pairs of people sharing and chatting together.
Please pray for all of the hearts who came this week, that the seeds of salvation would grow and they would return again with a hunger to hear more of God's words.
That's awesome!
We prayed for you at Friday Ladies Prayer!
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